WriteHive Annual Conference Schedule

Panels & Presentations

Below is a schedule of all panels and presentations during the Conference. Click on the date to see the day’s events. ALL TIMES ARE IN EDT. To see how this translates to your time zone, we suggest using a time and date converter, such as this one

You may also RSVP for desired panels and presentations on the private WriteHive Conference Discord, which will send you alerts so you don’t miss a session. If you don’t know if you have notifications on, not to worry! This link will show you all the ins and outs of Discord notifications. Note: Event times may change before the Conference.

Looking for workshops such as 1st Page Critiques, Query Critiques, and Live Pitches? The schedule as well as relevant information can be found on our Workshops page.

3:00 - 04:00 PM

Live Reading from Author Lara Lillibridge

Lara Lillibridge
Panelist, Critiques
5:00 - 05:30 PM
WriteHive Lobby Chat Voice Channel

Opening Speech & Announcements

Join WriteHive staff in kicking off the 3rd Annual WriteHive Conference
5:30 - 07:00 PM

Pitch isn't a Bad Word

Pitching can be intimidating. It’s difficult to reduce an entire novel into a small query or elevator pitch. But it doesn’t have to be an anxiety-inducing process or something to avoid! Our panelists help break down pitching and how to take some of the pain out of the process by giving strategies based on where and how you’re pitching, along with pointing out misconceptions.
C.J. Hamilton
Keir Alekseii
Panelist, Critiques
Lacy Phillips
Panelist, Moderator
6:00 - 07:30 PM
# outlining-presentation

Outlining in Depth

You’ve learned the basics of outlining. You have a beginning, midpoint, and end. But what are the next steps? How do you add more depth to your outlining and keep your writing on track? In this panel, our speakers help you take your outline to the next level!
Kira Anderson
Tiffany Christina Lewis
Panelist, Moderator
6:30 - 08:00 PM

The Future is Now: The Digital World of Writing

XM Moon
Panelist, Moderator
K. J. Harrowick
7:00 - 08:30 PM

How to Write When You Don't Want To (The Afronauts)

We get it. Life happens and you just had a long day. But those deadlines are coming and you absolutely need to meet them. In this panel, The Afronauts offers the writing community ways that not only motivate us to write when we don’t want to, and also taking it as an opportunity to delve deeper into our craft and ourselves.
Chelsea Gayden
Jill Tew
7:30 - 09:00 PM

Writing for an Established IP

It’s the kind of job most authors drool for–writing for an existing IP, a built-in audience, and often something you’re already a fan of! But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, and it’s not nearly as easy as it may seem. Learn the ins and outs from authors who have been there and done that!
Jamie D’Amato
Bobby Nash
Rachanee Lumayno
8:00 - 09:30 PM

Making Each Word Count: A Short Story Master Class

It takes skill to tell an elaborate story well. It equally takes skill to tell a concise story well. This panel discussion is for writers who specialize or want to specialize in short story writing. What are the tips, best practices, and pitfalls to know? Join our panelists to find out.
Hien Nguyen
Panelist, Moderator
Dawn Vogel
Panelist, Moderator
C. H. Hung
L. Marie Wood
8:30 - 10:00 PM

Deconstructing Colonization in your Fiction

Colonization can find its way into our work due to the way it’s built into our culture, like it or not. Join our panel to learn more about how colonization ends up in our fiction, how to spot it, and how we can eliminate it in our work.
Mansi Shah
C. M. Lockhart
R.M. Virtues
Guest of Honor
9:00 - 10:30 PM

Rooted in Story: Cultivating the Natural World in Ink

Nature means different things to different people. And with our natural world changing rapidly within a human lifetime, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to create your story’s natural world. In this panel, our panelists dive deep into the soil, the ocean, the air, and more to reveal their tips and tricks to finding the natural world that fits their stories.
Adrian M. Gibson
Gabriella Buba
E.M. Anderson
EA Mylonas
9:30 - 11:00 PM

Monsters and Robots: Queer Reclamation

For a very long time, monsters in fiction were queer-coded because straight cis artists saw their differing identities as a source of fear–but not any more. Our panel will discuss the history of this trope as well as the reclamation of the trope for and by the queer community.
Michael Williams
Kristin Jacques
Makana Yamamoto
XM Moon
Panelist, Moderator
10:30 - 11:55 PM

The Structure of Flash Fiction (Live Presentation / Class)

Flash fiction may be short, but that doesn’t mean it’s without its challenges! Not the least of which is how to write a compelling story in so few words. This workshop will help illuminate the structure of flash fiction and guide you through creating your own stories.
Finnian Burnett
7:00 - 08:30 AM

Breaking Into the Publishing Industry as a Non-American

If you’re an American breaking into the American publishing industry, there are many resources available to guide you in your journey. But what if you’re not from the US? Our panel of multinational authors are here to share their stories of breaking into the US market!
Moniza Hossain
Joyce Chng
Panelist, Moderator
Keshe Chow
8:00 - 09:30 AM

Creating Compelling Characters (Presentation)

Characters have character, so how do we make them compelling? There are several methods to consider. What are they and which ones will impact your stories the most? Find out in this panel discussion as our speakers share their knowledge and insights.
Brieanna Wilkoff
9:00 - 10:30 AM

Debate: Traditional vs. Self-Publishing

Social media loves to argue this one. Which is better? Traditional or Self-Publishing? But is it better for everyone, or just better for one person? Listen to our panel of authors debate their opinions on their publishing method of choice.
C. Rae D’Arc
Panelist, Moderator
Erin Fulmer
Jessica Lewis
9:30 - 11:00 AM

How to Create Superheroes and Villains to Match

Superheroes and villains often feature in powerful stories that incite excitement and wonderment from audiences. But how can you best approach stories like these to make your heroes pack a special punch and keep your villains in the fight? Our panel of superhero writers have all the tips to keep the tropes interesting…or defy them altogether.
Cristina Jurado
Panelist, Moderator
Samantha Bryant
Matthew Phillion
Justine Manzano
Panelist, Moderator
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Tarot for Writers (Presentation)

Have you ever considered consulting the tarot for your writing? Most people might be familiar with tarot cards to tell the future, but they also tell a story! Dive into the mystical with our presentation speaker to learn about different card decks, the various arcana, and how readings can guide you on your writing journey.
Kris Waldherr
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Fear Factors: Horror Genre Master Class

Sometimes we need a good scare. If writing horror is your bread and butter, put the knife down and grab a pen to take notes in this panel discussion. Hopefully our speakers don’t spook you too much and you run for the hills.
11:30 AM - 01:00 PM

Historians on History in Fiction

Fiction has often been informed by history. But how close to actual history do you need to be? Our panel of actual history buffs will help guide you through how to make history work for your writing.
Dawn Vogel
Panelist, Moderator
12:00 - 01:30 PM

How to Hook Readers from Page One

They say the hook brings you back. So how do you craft a strong enough hook from the first page to keep readers engaged with your story? How can a hook go wrong? Learn from our panel of experts!
Paulette Kennedy
Panelist, Critiques
Ronni Davis
Anna Britton
J.R.H. Lawless
Panelist, Moderator
Matthew Phillion
12:30 - 02:00 PM

Writing Multiple Genres and Author Brand

Much of the industry will tell you to stick with one genre for ease of marketing. But these authors have broken that rule and lived to tell the tale! So, how did they do it? How can you best market when writing across multiple genres? Check out the panel!
Lacy Phillips
Panelist, Moderator
Bobby Nash
Jessica Lewis
1:00 - 02:30 PM

Marketing Tactics for the Self-Published

We don’t sign up to be marketers when we sign up to become writers, but the unfortunate truth of the industry is that nobody will see our books if we don’t learn how to market them! Join us as our panel discusses what they’ve learned about marketing their books, and learn some strategies for getting eyeballs on your books!
Liv Macy
Whitney McGruder
Marisa Noelle
Tatiana Obey
1:30 - 03:00 PM

Tackling Procrastination and Creating a Routine

Creating a routine sounds like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! If you’re looking for tips on how to help alleviate the stress of last-minute, rushing, and tight deadlines, join our panelists for this discussion. Don’t procrastinate on adding this session to your schedule!
Cyndi Brec
Kristin Jacques
C. M. Lockhart
2:00 - 03:30 PM

The Older Beginning Author: Never Too Late for a Plot Twist!

You’re never too old to pursue your dreams. Read that again. You have a story to tell and it shouldn’t be left on the shelf, so be your own plot twist and take the writing world by storm! Join this panel discussion to brainstorm how you can achieve your goals.
Paulette Kennedy
Panelist, Critiques
Patchree Jones
Panelist, Moderator
KD Edwards
Patrick Dugan
Panelist, Critiques
2:30 - 04:00 PM

Genre Alchemy: Creating a Tangible Atmosphere

Each genre you write in is a unique world, something you spin into life with a dash of many different craft elements. So how do you weave together a tangible atmosphere that fits your genre and gives your story the exact right tone? Our panelists are here to help.
Hien Nguyen
Panelist, Moderator
Jacob Devlin
Amanda B. Weaver
3:00 - 04:30 PM

War and Long-Term Effects in Fiction

So many fiction stories revolve around war-time, either focusing on battle itself, or on the effects of battle on the people involved. So how can you best capture the effects of war in a realistic way that reveals the true horrors and everyday effects of large-scale battle? Our panelists discuss their experiences.
3:30 - 05:00 PM

Passive Marketing: How Authors Can Leverage SEO (Presentation)

SEO is an acronym for “search engine optimization.” What does that mean? SEO is a group of strategies you can utilize to optimize your digital marketing channels – website, blogs, social media, and more. What are the best practices you can implement to attract your target audience without a heavy lift? Find out in this panel discussion.
Jessica Salina
4:00 - 05:00 PM

Live Reading from Author Carlie Kuhtz

4:00 - 05:30 PM

Marginalization and the Querying Process

Querying is a grueling process for everyone, but there are added hurdles for those from marginalized communities. Our panelists discuss the challenges within the process and how authors can protect themselves, along with how the industry can better open doors to underrepresented communities.
Keir Alekseii
Panelist, Critiques
Patchree Jones
Panelist, Moderator
Lauren Davila
4:30 - 06:00 PM

Witch Way to Your Heart? A Paranormal Romance Master Class

Paranormal Romance has always been a hot genre, whether you’re working in indie or traditional publishing. But it’s so popular! How do you write a novel that will stand out, while still observing the established genre conventions? Our expert panel will help you learn all about the genre and how to nail it, every time.
Britta Threshie
R.M. Virtues
Guest of Honor
Robin Alvarez
5:00 - 06:30 PM

Tell Me a Story: Exploring Narrative Styles

Many of us have heard of Save the Cat or Hero’s Journey, but more styles exist in writing! Our panelists explain why it’s beneficial to explore various styles, when a new style can be effective, and what to consider when choosing your style.
Lara Lillibridge
Panelist, Critiques
EA Mylonas
Tim McLaughlin
Panelist, Moderator
Chyina Powell
5:30 - 07:00 PM

The Revenge of the Divine (with Guest of Honor R.M. Virtues)

R.M. Virtues
Guest of Honor
6:00 - 07:30 PM

Introvert or Extrovert: How to Make Your Style Work

We know it’s long been a theory that all writers are introverts, but we all know that’s not true. We’ve all met extroverted authors–some of them are part of our team here at WriteHive! Each of the styles have different advantages. Our panel will discuss how they make their personality styles work for them.
Kate DeMaio
Panelist, Moderator
6:30 - 08:00 PM

LGBTQ+ Traditional vs. Self Publishing

Different types of stories sell better in different venues, and in that way, self-publishing and traditional publishing could serve different purposes for writers at various points of their careers. But if you’re an LGBTQ+ author, are there advantages to traditional or self publishing? Our panel discusses the various paths and what it could mean for your career.
Christen Randall
Finnian Burnett
KD Edwards
7:00 - 08:30 PM

Disability Representation in Fiction

We all deserve to see ourselves represented in the media we consume. Join our panelists as they discuss why disability representation is important, and how to create strong and positive representation.
Kate Foster
Lara Ameen
Nicole Zelniker
Tyler Wittkofsky
7:30 - 09:00 PM

Post Apocalyptic Worlds and Symbolism (Presentation)

Fiction helps us explore possible futures, and in many cases that can include post-apocalyptic realities. This presentation will discuss what makes effective post-apocalyptic worlds for your stories and how to bring them to life in your writing.
Jonathan Weiss
8:30 - 10:00 PM

First-Page Analysis by Lit Agents

What makes a first page so special? How can it make or break your manuscript’s chances with agents and editors? Join our panel to learn more about how you can get your first page as perfect as possible and really knock their socks off.
Shannon Lechon
Sandra Proudman
Lauren Davila
8:30 - 10:00 PM

Writing Natural Dialogue for Unique Characters (Presentation)

We love to talk. Characters talk a lot. But how do we render the cadences, stutters, and mumbles into ink? Our presenter, a serial talker, will guide you through how exactly that um, oh, repeat that, can work within your story.
C. Rae D’Arc
Panelist, Moderator
9:00 - 10:30 PM

Worldbuilding in Real World Settings

Second world stories are fun, but sometimes you want to set a story within the real world, in cities and settings familiar to your readers. This can certainly make certain aspects of worldbuilding easier, but at the same time it presents other unique challenges and research needs. Whether you’re adding a layer of magic to earth or simply creating a fictional town in a real state, there are things to consider and avoid while planning your story. Our panelists will offer some tools and tips to make this process easier!
10:00 - 11:30 PM

Breaking into the Serialized Fiction World

Serialized fiction is a rapidly growing facet of the publishing industry, and a new way to independently publish your work. So, how does it work? What can you do to break into the serialized fiction world? Learn from our panel of talented authors!
Kia Leep
Rachanee Lumayno
Joyce Chng
Panelist, Moderator
8:00 - 09:30 AM

Breaking the Rules: The Path to Authentic Writing (Presentation)

You know how the saying goes: some rules are meant to be broken. That doesn’t mean you can break ALL of them. Believe it or not, there is a strategic approach to breaking rules. Join our presenter for this inspirational talk that will leave you energized and ready to take on your writing projects with renewed motivation!
L. Marie Wood
9:00 - 10:30 AM

Fashion and Worldbuilding

Writers’ block can sometimes feel like sitting in the middle of your closet deciding what to wear. When we finally choose our #OutfitOfTheDay, it’s astonishing how the clothing we choose to wear impacts us as a person, so how does that translate into our characters’ stories? Put on your thinking caps and let’s talk about it!
Emma Ilene
Olga Ponjee
Keshe Chow
9:30 - 11:00 AM

Writing and Motherhood: Balancing in All and What to Do When You Can't (Presentation)

Writing is difficult to balance in general, but adding children to the mix brings the difficulty to another level. It is far from impossible, however! This presentation will discuss ways to help balance time for your writing alongside raising children and other responsibilities, along with how to recognize when you may need a break or self-care.
Ashley Hawthorne
10:00 - 11:00 AM

Live Reading from Author E.M. Anderson

E.M. Anderson
10:00 - 11:30 AM

Using Non-Fiction Venues to Help Promote Your Fiction Writing (Presentation)

Promotion and marketing are challenging for most writers. The key to reaching more people can be to get a bit creative! Instead of the standard bookstores or conferences, there are other unexpected places to promote your fiction, and that includes nonfiction venues. This presentation will discuss how to use these venues the most effectively.
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

How to Handle Receiving Critiques

Let’s be honest: receiving critiques can be challenging. But it’s an important part of growth and development and makes us stronger. What are some helpful tips to handle critiques and use them to your advantage? Don’t miss this panel discussion to find out!
Lucy A. McLaren
M. J. Kuhn
Liv Macy
Bharat Krishnan
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Healthcare Systems in Fiction

Healthcare scenes: how do you get them right? Our panel of writers who happen to also be healthcare professionals will help you learn about what it’s really like in a healthcare setting and how to establish realism in writing scenes like these.
Nancy Foster
Jenny Allen
11:30 AM - 01:00 PM

Diverse Voices and Inspiration in Fantasy (with Guest of Honor Zamil Akhtar)

Zamil Akhtar
Guest of Honor
12:00 - 01:00 PM

Live Reading from Author Michael Williams

Michael Williams
12:30 - 02:00 PM

Debate: Soft vs. Hard Magic Systems

We all enjoy a little bit of magic, right? No matter what realm or universe we live in, one thing is for sure: magic systems have rules. No set of rules are the same, but sometimes worlds have soft or hard magic systems. Which one do you prefer? Join this conversation with our debaters.
Amena Jamali
Jesse Pohlman
Panelist, Moderator
Tatiana Obey
K. J. Harrowick
1:00 - 02:30 PM

Penny for Your Thoughts? Giving Insightful Critiques

Critiques can do so much to help writers learn about their work and their skills. Most writers swap stories to critique to better their stories. So how do you make sure your critiques are as helpful as possible? Our panel looks at both sides of the swap, to tell you how to get and give the most out of your critiques.
Brenda Radchik
Justine Manzano
Panelist, Moderator
1:30 - 03:00 PM

Bringing Writing to the Table with TTRPGs

Tabletop Role-Playing Games. You know them, you love them, you’re getting more and more into them as Dungeons and Dragons continues to inspire and inform more entertainment. How can you use your TTRPG skills to strengthen your writing? How can your writing make you a better role-player? Join TTRPG players and writers Matt Phillion and Hannah Kates and find out.
Matthew Phillion
Hannah Kates
Panelist, Critiques, Moderator
2:00 - 03:30 PM

Developmental Editing Basics for Aspiring Editors

Interested in becoming an editor? This panel is for you! Our panelists will discuss what makes developmental editing unique and the important elements to remember while working on a client’s manuscript, along with what to expect as you enter this field.
2:30 - 04:00 PM

Show and Tell: What Works and What Writers Get Wrong

“Show, don’t tell” isn’t something you learn when you’re younger and ultimately don’t use later in life – like calculus. If you’re a writer, this rule is very much relevant in your everyday life. Sometimes we execute it well, and sometimes we need to work on it. Let’s talk about it in this panel discussion to help us continuously improve.
Jill Tew
Tatiana Obey
Megan Bontrager
Panelist, Critiques
Tyler Wittkofsky
3:00 - 04:30 PM

Writing Authentic Intergenerational Stories

Intergenerational stories balance a rich family history with a plot line that carries us through the family line. Our panel of experts discusses the common tropes of intergenerational stories and why they hold such resonance for readers.
Mansi Shah
C. H. Hung
4:00 - 05:00 PM

Live Reading from Author Samantha Bryant

Samantha Bryant
4:00 - 05:30 PM

Marginalized Genders in Fiction

Representation is so important in fiction, and marginalized genders have always existed, though rarely been represented in media. Our panel discusses the history of marginalized genders in fiction, discusses what is required for good representation and gives examples of existing positive rep.
C.M. Kuhtz
C.L. Polk
J.R. Hart
Finnian Burnett
4:00 - 05:30 PM

Writing Your Heart's Story: How to Channel Negative Energy into a Positive Masterpiece (with Guest of Honor Bethany Baptiste)

Bethany Baptiste
Guest of Honor
5:30 - 06:00 PM

Closing Announcements

Come hang out with the WriteHive team as we close out the conference! Announcements include the winner of the Sponsored Writer Award and the theme for our next anthology!

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