Rhonda Jackson Garcia, AKA RJ Joseph, is an award winning, Stoker Award™ and Shirley Jackson Award nominated, Texas based academic and creative writer/professor/editor whose writing regularly focuses on the intersections of gender and race in the horror and romance genres and popular culture. She has had works published in various applauded venues, including two fiction anthologies of Black, female horror writers, Sycorax’s Daughters, and Black Magic Women, as well as the 2020 Halloween issue of Southwest Review and The Streaming of Hill House: Essays on the Haunting Netflix Series. Rhonda is also an instructor at The Speculative Fiction Academy and the co-host of the Genre Blackademia podcast. She is also working with Raw Dog Screaming Press, editing a new novella line, The Selected Papers for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena. She occasionally peeks out online through social media from @rjacksonjoseph or at www.rhondajacksonjoseph.com
Sessions by Rhonda Jackson Garcia
Fear Factors: A Horror Genre Master Class
Sometimes we need a good scare. If writing horror is your bread and butter, put the knife down and grab a pen to take notes in this panel discussion. Hopefully our speakers don’t spook you too much and you run for the hills. | Moderated by Brad Lee
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Using Non-Fiction Venues to Help Promote Your Fiction Writing (Presentation)
Promotion and marketing are challenging for most writers. The key to reaching more people can be to get a bit creative! Instead of the standard bookstores or conferences, there are other unexpected places to promote your fiction, and that includes nonfiction venues. This presentation will discuss how to use these venues the most effectively.
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Penny for Your Thoughts? Giving Insightful Critiques
Critiques can do so much to help writers learn about their work and their skills. Most writers swap stories to critique to better their stories. So how do you make sure your critiques are as helpful as possible? Our panel looks at both sides of the swap, to tell you how to get and give the most out of your critiques. | Moderated by Hien Nguyen
1:00 - 02:30 PM